Oprava servis Nintendo Switch Lite / Oled

Nintendo Switch Nintendo Switch Lite Nintendo Swicht Oled  byly pro japonskou firmu mimořádně úspěšné prodejné na 1 prvním místě prodeje.Proto některé z nejčastějších problémů, se kterými se naši technici setkávají na přepínači, jsou prasklé obrazovky, poškozené nabíjecí porty, nabíjecí port usb C, které nečtou, nefunkční tlačítko hlasitosti a baterie nebo problém s ventilátorem, která neudrží nabití. Pokud máte problém s herní konzolí Nintendo Switch, naši technici jsou velmi dobře vyškoleni v tom, co způsobuje jejich problémy a jak je rychle opravit. Naše řešení opravy Nintendo Switch jsou běžně jednoduchá a rychlá. Chcete-li naplánovat opravu svého herního systému Nintendo, klikněte níže. Servismax nabízí možnosti opravy pro edice Nintendo Switch i Nintendo Switch Lite Nintendo Oled.

Oprava přepínače nintendo 1

Opravy Nintendo Switch jsou běžnější, než si myslíte. Opravujeme stovky rozbitých nabíjecích portů, obrazovek, vybitých baterií a tlačítek z celého USA. Naši technici jsou dobře vyškoleni, aby opravili váš Nintendo Switch nebo Lite a zajistili jeho správné zprovoznění. XiRepair získáte vy a vaše herní konzole další úroveň služeb a možností oprav, aby bylo zajištěno, že vaše zařízení bude trvale opraveno.

Na rozdíl od mnoha míst jsou opravy našich přepínačů Nintendo prováděny interně certifikovanými techniky v nejrychlejším možném časovém rámci. Servis 1000 jednotek ze všech 50 států nám umožnil rychle identifikovat a řešit běžné problémy, které jsou na Nintendo Switch zajištěny. Nastavení opravy pro vaše Nintendo je rychlé, snadné a bezpečné. Jednoduše přineste konzolu na jakékoli místo XiRepair nebo si jednoduše nechte štítek a pošlete jej poštou. Naši certifikovaní odborníci používají náhradní díly vysoké kvality.


OPRAVA NABÍJECÍHO PORTU USB-C  Servis Nintendo Switch / Lite / Oled

Pokud nabíjecí port na vašem Nintendo Switch nedobíjí pomocí vaší dokovací stanici nebo nabíječk\, pravděpodobně budete potřebovat vyměnit nabíjecí port. Nabíjecí port USB-c lze odpájet a vyměnit za nový přesně jako v továrně, která je vyrábí. Naši technici úrovně III nabízejí řešení mikropájení, která jsou totožná a v některých případech dokonce lepší než práce, které vidíme dokončené na přepínačích nintendo. Technik XiRepair otevře přepínač, odstraní základní desku a odpájejí vadný nabíjecí port a znovu připáje na nový nabíjecí port kvality. Velmi málo obchodů má schopnosti nebo neví, jak tyto opravy dokončit, ale naši technici je provádějí neustále! Naše služby jsou využívány po celé zemi a jsou dokonce podpořeny naší nepřekonatelnou 1letou zárukou. Pokud má váš nabíjecí port po opravě nějaké problémy,


Je skleněná obrazovka vašeho Nintendo Switch poškozená, prasklá nebo poškozená? Nebojte se, naši technici to vidí každý den... doslova. Je to jedna z nejčastějších věcí, které se stávají. Ať už dítě rozlobilo a hodilo konzoli přes celou místnost, nebo bylo jednoduše upuštěno při dlouhé jízdě autem, prasklé obrazovky jsou nevyhnutelné. To je důvod, proč v XiRepair nabízíme cenově dostupnou a rychlou službu výměny obrazovky Nintendo Switch. Naši technici odstraní vaši poškozenou obrazovku a nahradí ji novou vysoce kvalitní náhradní obrazovkou. Obrazovka vašeho zařízení bude během chvilky opravena, naplánujte si schůzku, odešlete ji nebo pošlete poštou ještě dnes.

Výměna baterie – oprava Nintendo Switch

Už se váš Nintendo Switch nenabíjí nebo rychle umírá? Mnoho jednotlivců si neuvědomuje, že baterie je třeba vyměnit v téměř každé mobilní herní konzoli, včetně Nintendo Switch a Nintendo Switch Lite! Většinu lithium-iontových baterií je třeba vyměnit před 600 nabíjecími cykly. Jeden nabíjecí cyklus je doba používání od úplného nabití spínače po úplné vybití a opětovné nabití. Toto pravidlo výměny baterie 600 nabíjecích cyklů platí pro téměř veškerou spotřební elektroniku včetně telefonů, tabletů, notebooků a dokonce i dronů.


Pro fyzické a tekuté poškození konzole:

V Servismaxu se naši technici specializují na opravy poškození vodou. Abychom vám mohli nabídnout opravy nutné k tomu, aby vodou poškozený Nintendo Switch fungoval, naši technici budou muset provést diagnostiku. Naštěstí pro vás je diagnostika v XiRepair 100% ZDARMA! To znamená, že za nás nemusíte utratit ani korunu, abychom určili problém s vaším Nintendo Switch. Chcete-li, aby technik XiRpeair diagnostikoval vaše zařízení, jednoduše se zastavte v jakémkoli obchodě XiRepair nebo nám pošlete e-mail. Naše řešení pro opravu přepínačů Nintendo jsou cenově dostupná a spolehlivá a navíc se na ně vztahuje naše jednoletá záruka.

Servismax nabízí kvalifikované opravy iPhone, iPad a opravy mobilních telefonů . Máme kvalifikované odborníky, kteří dokážou provést širokou škálu oprav na různých modelech iPhone a výrobců chytrých telefonů.




Fix All Nintendo Switch Error Codes

But it does come with its fair share of issues which we are going to cover here. It ranges from hardware to software to general day-to-day errors. You will find all the errors related to the Nintendo Switch below and also how to fix them.

The General Errors in Nintendo Switch

Error Code Meaning How to Fix it
2162-0002 Multiple causes. Restart the console.
Charge your Joy-Cons.
Once rebooted, make sure all parts are up to date.
If the crash error persists, contact Support.
2813-6838 / 2813-6561 The Nintendo eShop Card code attempting to be used is unable to be processed. Try the code again, and check the numbers.
Make sure the code is not intended for a different region.
If it doesn’t work, contact support.
2801-7199 Facebook upload is not working. Try unlinking, then relinking the Facebook account.
If it fails, check your Facebook permissions.I
f the error code persists, wait and try again later.
2124-4009 This is a general functionality error code. Restart the Switch.
If problems persist, there may be maintenance or an outage.
2124-4517 /2181-4017 Usually, there flagged unusual behavior on the Switch, preventing online service access. Wait and try again later.
If the problem persists, contact Nintendo Support.
2124-3080 The Switch cannot connect to online match-making. Online multiplayer is likely not available in your region.
2124-4007 The Switch console being used has been permanently banned from connecting online, likely due to a breach of Terms of Service. Contact Support.
2813-0055 The Switch cannot redeem a download code because the software is not released to the public yet. Wait until the release date.
2813-1470 The credit card being used in the eShop has been rejected. Delete and set up the card again.
2813-0040 The download code attempting to be used has already been redeemed. Double-check the download code.
2005-0005 / 2005-0004 This error means something in the Nintendo is likely corrupted. Turn off the Switch. Do not delete any data yet.
Turn it back on and make sure the system is up to date.
If this does not work, delete any offending DLC or pirated content.
If the above doesn’t work, try a new MicroSD or format the current one.
2124-0291 Transfer of user account to another Switch cannot be finished. Check that the user account isn’t already linked in some way to the second console.
If so, delete that data and try the transfer again.

The Hardware Errors in Nintendo Switch

Error Code Meaning How to fix it
2153-0321 Audio-hardware issue. Temporary workaround for some users: turn off the “mute volume when headphones are unplugged” setting. If it doesn’t work, the console will need to be physically repaired. Call Nintendo support.
2168-0002 Console crash error, caused by corrupted hardware or pirated content. Delete the pirated files immediately.
Try to reboot the console.
If it doesn’t work, check if the system is up to date.
If none of this works, you might need to repair physically your console.
2115-0096 Amiibo figure is not accepted on the Switch. Check for system updates.
Check the right Joy-Con to see if it’s working properly.
Reset Amiibo’s data.
2153-1540 This code indicates the Switch is not functional. Restart the Switch.
Check for updates.
If it still doesn’t work, call Nintendo Support. The Switch may need repairing.
2139-0006 There’s something wrong with the hardware. Call support.

The Software Errors in Nintendo Switch

Error Code Meaning How to fix it
2164-0020 / 2122-0082 There is software on the Switch causing an error. Go to manage software.
Delete the software causing this issue (likely the game that caused the crash).
2162-0101 A game cannot start because an update is required. Restart the Switch. Put the game card back in, if it is not digital.
Reinstall the software.
2306-0819 The Switch is unable to connect to online games. Check for software updates.
Make sure the Switch software is up to date.
2021-0003 / 2000-0000 / 2101-0002 /2107-0427 The latest software is not being used. Check for software updates.
Check for corrupted data.
2124-3000 / 2137-1508 The Switch is unable to connect to an online service because it is not up to date. Update the console.
2813-0071 The software is having a general issue with downloading on the eShop. Restart the console and try again.
2142-1099 / 2155-0400 The Parental Controls app cannot connect to the internet. The console needs to be up to date. Update the console.

The Maintainance & Server Errors in Nintendo Switch

Error Code Meaning How to fix it
2813-0002 There is a service outage preventing connection to the Nintendo eShop. Wait and try again later.
2618-0542 The Switch is unable to join an online match. This is due to too many players. Wait and try and join a match later.
2613-1400 The Switch will not create a credit card purchase. This is likely due to maintenance or server issues. Wait and try again later.
2306-0811 The Switch will not connect to an online service. This is likely due to maintenance or server issues. Wait and try again later.
2801-7002 Twitter uploads cannot be completed. This is likely due to maintenance or server issues. Wait and try again later.
2124-5119 / 2124-5249 Nintendo Account Services is experiencing server issues or undergoing maintenance. Wait and try again later.
902-5998 The Nintendo eShop is experiencing maintenance. Restart the console.
If the problem persists, it may be may server issues. Try again later.
2810-1500 Facebook sign-in cannot be completed. Wait and try again later.
2124-5002 / 2124-5200 Sign-in to a pre-existing Nintendo Account has failed. This specific code determines this is an outage on Nintendo’s side. If inactive, relaunch the store.
2813-0009 / 2813-1400 / 2813-6835 / 2813-9804 /2813-9712 There is a temporary service issue with the Nintendo eShop. It may have also timed out due to inactivity. Wait and try again later.
2811-7503, 2811-7504 There is a network outage to the Nintendo eShop. Wait and try again later.
2816-0700 / 2817-0700 A maintenance error is popping up on general application use. Wait and try again later.

The MicroSD Related Errors in in Nintendo Switch

Error Code Meaning How to fix it
2002-2049-2002-2064 /2002-4690 / 2002-6201 / 2016-0247 / 2016-0602 / 2016-0641 An error code while downloading software or updating a game has occurred. The MicroSD is likely at fault. Reset and check the MicroSD.Make sure data isn’t corrupted.
Remove and reinsert MicroSDIf the above doesn’t work, format the MicroSD.
If all of the tips above do not work, try getting a new MicroSD or downloading directly to the Switch.
2002-2001 /2016-0390 / 2205-0123 The MicroSD card cannot be accessed. Reset and check the MicroSD.Remove and reinsert MicroSDIf the above doesn’t work, format the MicroSD.
If all of the tips above do not work, try getting a new MicroSD or downloading directly to the Switch.
2002-4517 / 2002-4641-2002-4660 /2002-4741-2002-4760 / 2002-0007-2002-0008 /2002-4683 Software for or from the eShop cannot be downloaded. This is a MicroSD issue. If a MicroSD is not being used, restart the console.
Check for software updates.
Remove and reinsert MicroSDIf the above doesn’t work, format the MicroSD.If all of the tips above do not work, try getting a new MicroSD or downloading directly to the Switch.
2002-4301-2002-4463 / 2002-3005 /2002-3500-2002-3999 / 2002-0001 /2016-0601 / 2101-0001 / 2107-0445 A MicroSD error has occurred while playing a game powering the Switch on (or waking from sleep mode). Restart the Switch.
Check for software updates.
Remove and reinsert MicroSDIf the above doesn’t work, format the MicroSD.If all of the tips above do not work, try getting a new MicroSD or downloading directly to the Switch.
2002-1002 / 2002-2629-2002-2669 A game cannot download or start. This will happen with a MicroSD. Check for software updates.
Remove and reinsert MicroSDIf the above doesn’t work, format the MicroSD.If all of the tips above do not work, try getting a new MicroSD or downloading directly to the Switch.
2002-2085 The MicroSD cannot be recognized. Check for software updates.
Remove and reinsert MicroSDIf the above doesn’t work, format the MicroSD.If all do not work, try getting a new MicroSD or downloading directly to the Switch.
2005-0003 There is an issue with the MicroSD and it is preventing downloads. Make sure the system is up to date.
Find a new MicroSD or Repair the current MicroSD.If repairs fail and there is no other MicroSD for use, try downloading the software on the Switch system for later use.

The Internet Connection Related Errors in in Nintendo Switch

Error Code Meaning How to fix it
2110-1100 The Switch is unable to determine a network. Run through all internet troubleshooting settings:
Make sure no objects are blocking the Switch.
Check the network password again and retry.
2811-7001 An error in using an online service like eShop has occurred. If failure, try either power cycling the home network or moving closer to the router.
If the connection fails again, try turning off password requirements for the network.
If all steps fail,  check network settings for the home network.
If this still fails, call Support as there may be additional solutions. In some cases, the Switch may need repair.
2110-2004 The Switch is unable to determine a network. Restart the console.
Check internet connection.
Restart network devices.2110-2004. The Switch is unable to determine a network. Run through all internet troubleshooting settings: Make sure no objects are blocking the Switch
2110-2091 LAN Adapter is detected, but the Switch could not make a connection with the router or modem. Check the network password again and retry.
If failure, try either power cycling the home network or moving closer to the router.
If the connection fails again, try turning off password requirements for the network.
If all steps fail,  check network settings for the home network.
2110-2201 / 2110-2214 The router or access point alerted the Switch that an incorrect password was used. Update the Router’s firmware.
If the above doesn’t work, factory reset the router.
If this still fails, call Nintendo Support as there may be additional solutions. In some cases, the Switch may need repair.
2110-1100 A wireless network connection cannot be made.  This is due to the Switch not detecting a network. (This can also sometimes mean, for those that have USB LAN, that the USB LAN is not properly set up) Confirm the connection password.
Troubleshoot internet connection: Move the Switch closer to the router.
Create a wireless internet connection file.
Power cycle your network.
2110-2091 The Switch cannot connect to a wired network. Check to make sure the ethernet cable is secure.
Try power cycling your home network.
Use a different port on the router. Try a different ethernet cable.
2110-2003 There are connection issues related to the failure to detect the LAN Adapter. Create a new internet connection file.
Move the Switch closer to the router.
Power cycle the home network.
2110-2004 / 2110-2220 / 2110-2201 / 2110-2214 Cannot connect to a specific wireless network. Usually, this is due to incorrect password use. Create a new internet connection file.
Move the Switch closer to the router.
Power cycle the home network.
2110-3127 Cannot connect to a specific wireless or wired network. Try a different router port.
Try a different ethernet cable. Make sure no objects are blocking the Switch. Check the network password again and retry.
If this does not work, try either power cycling the home network or moving closer to the router. If the connection fails again, try turning off password requirements for the network.
If all steps fail, check network settings for the home network.
Check DNS settings and make sure they are correct.
2110-3400 Cannot connect to a specific wireless or wired network. Check web authentication permissions.
2122-2403 / 2211-0524 This is a general error, usually caused by a needed software update or connection issues. Make sure your Switch is up to date.
Check internet connection.
Restart the console.2811-1006 The Switch is unable to connect to the Nintendo Account. Make sure no objects are blocking the Switch.
Check the network password again and retry
2811-1006 The Switch is unable to connect to the Nintendo Account. If failure, try either power cycling the home network or moving closer to the router.
If the connection fails again, try turning off password requirements for the network.
If all steps fail,  check network settings for the home network.
2811-5001 / 2811-1028 The Switch is unable to connect to the eShop or other online features Make sure no objects are blocking the Switch.
Check the network password again and retry.
If failure, try either power cycling the home network or moving closer to the router.
If the connection fails again, try turning off password requirements for the network.
If all steps fail,  check network settings for the home network.
2155-8006 The Switch is unable to link a new Nintendo account to the console. This is usually due to a DNS error or general connection timeout. Make sure no objects are blocking the Switch.
Check the network password again and retry.
If failure, try either power cycling the home network or moving closer to the router.
If the connection fails again, try turning off password requirements for the network.
If all steps fail,  check network settings for the home network.
2618-0513 The Switch is unable to complete a match-making process. Try again.
Test your internet connection.
Power cycle your gateway.
If this does not work, try updating your gateway’s firmware.
If the above fails, contact Nintendo Support.
2160-0103 / 2306-0520 / 2618-0006 / 2618-0201 / 2618-0516 Joining an online match, starting/completing the match-making process, or completing a match has failed. This is very likely a connection issue. Restart the console. Check the connection.
Try a manual DNS alternate.
Try power cycling your home network.
2160-0202 Connecting to an online service has failed. This is likely a connection timeout issue. Make sure no objects are blocking the Switch.
Check the network password again and retry.
Try either power cycling the home network or moving closer to the router.
If the connection fails again, try turning off password requirements for the network.
If all steps fail,  check network settings for the home network.
2155-8006 The Switch is unable to link a new Nintendo account to the console. This is usually due to a DNS error or general connection timeout. Make sure no objects are blocking the Switch.
Check the network password again and retry.
If failure, try either power cycling the home network or moving closer to the router.
If the connection fails again, try turning off password requirements for the network.
If all steps fail,  check network settings for the home network.
2124-8006 / 2137-8006 A download cannot be completed. Usually, this is caused by connection timeout. Check DNS settings.
Restart the console.
Run through internet troubleshooting:
If this does not work, manually enter an alternate DNS.
If the above does not work, try either power cycling the home network or moving closer to the router.
2810-1224 Sign-in to either the Account or eShop has failed. The connection may also be an issue. If the connection fails again, try turning off password requirements for the network.
Try connecting to an alternate wireless band as the last step.
Contact Nintendo Support if problems persist.
2137-0240 Downloads cannot be completed. This is because of an internet issue, likely a timeout. Restart the console.
Check connection signal. Then attempt regular activity again.
If the above fails, contact Nintendo Support.
2124-8028 Nintendo sign-in has failed. This is due to poor internet speeds or wireless issues. Check internet speed.
Troubleshoot internet issues: Power cycle the home network.
Move any objects blocking the Switch or router.
If able, connect to another wireless band.
2124-8006-2124-8007 This is an error code associated with a connection timeout or DNS error. It could also be a weak signal or slow internet. Check internet connection.
Restart the Switch.
Enter a different DNS.Run through internet troubleshooting: Move any objects blocking the Switch (if wireless).
If the above does not work, try either power cycling the home network or moving closer to the wireless router.
If the connection fails again, try turning off password requirements for the network.
Try connecting to an alternate wireless band as the last step.
2160-8006-2160-8007 A connection test cannot be completed. Check internet connection.
Make sure you are connecting to the right network.
2618-0203 Nintendo Switch cannot connect to an online service. This is possible due to issues with the DNS. Restart the console.
Check the DNS settings.
Try power cycling your home network.
Manually enter an alternate DNS.
Test the internet connection.
2142-0507 The Parental Controls app cannot connect to the internet. The internet is not detected, likely due to a timeout. Restart the Switch.
Check internet connection.
Power cycle home network.
Use a different network.

Some Game-Specific Errors in Nintendo Switch

Error Code Meaning How to fix it
2306-0820 The Splatoon 2 Global Testfire demo will not launch. The demo sessions for this game are no longer available.
2-AABQA-1021 An online match in Arms will not connect. Check your internet connection and try again.
2-BABBE-1000 Ultra Street Fighter 2 Online will not connect. Check for a software update on the game.
If this doesn’t work, check the internet connection.